Kurt Jackson (1961-)
Cotswolds (Redfern Gallery)
The big beech tree over the village. Rainstorm over Snowshill (2016)
Across a Cotswold valley (2016)
Sun sinking into new coppice in ancient woodland (2016)
Showers and spring sunshine and bonfire smoke (2016)
Cotswold skylark, white throat, blackbird song (2016)
Each bend of an oak branch, each phrase of song thrush song. Edge of the wood (2016)
Evening, Snowshill blackbirds sing (2016)
Celandines, bluebells, anemones, primroses. Weak sunshine (2016)
Cotswold oaks, molehills and ant mounds (2016)
Sunshine and Hawthorn and sheep baa. Down to Broadway (2016)
Through a sunny orchard to the neighbours (2016)
St Barnabas. Small birds fill the flowering cherry with song (2016)
Snowshill. Dogs bark, rooks caw (2016)
Gloucestershire bedroom (2016)
Sheep in the sunshine, skylark song and pheasant cough (2016)
Littleworth Woods, wild garlic smell and bird song (2016)
Sheep and goldfinches (2016)
Across England (2016)
American tourists photograph the pub (2016)
Rooks caw, pigeons coo, Snowshill (2016)
Crow scarer bang, up in the Cotswolds (2016)
Easter Sunday, church bell ringing (2016)
Robin song and wood smoke (2016)
Snowshill from Littleworth Road (2016)
Into Snowshill, evening (2016)
Cotswold's evening kitchen (2016)
Fireside read (2016)
Between showers (2016)
Molehills in the Cotswolds (2016)