Artist Biography
St Ives Artists
Leonard Fuller (1891-1973)
The Artist's Son, John (1923)
The Artist's Son, John (1940)
A. K. Hamilton Jenkin (1950s)
The Green Sweater (1956)
John Leonard Holman (1887–1949)
Kenneth James Holman (1896-1954)
Herbert Thomas, Editor of 'The Cornishman' (Date unknown)
R. A. Thomas, Governor, Camborne School of Mines (Date unknown)
Marjorie Mostyn, the Artist's Wife
Mrs Stevens of Downalong
Terry Frost
Half Portrait of a Blonde Haired Girl
Sirens (1930)
Under the Verandah (1940) (1962)
Lanhams Framing Workshop, St Ives (1962)
Christmas Day, St Ives
View of Clodgy through the Studio Window