Benozzo Gozzoli (c.1421-97)
Madonna della Cintola (1450-52)
Madonna della Cintola
Birth of Mary
The Marriage of the Virgin
The Nativity
Scenes from the Life of St Francis (1452)
Scene 1, North Wall
Scene 11, South Wall
Scene 2, North Wall
Scene 6, North Wall
Scene 7
Journey of the Magi (1459-62)
Procession of the Youngest King
Procession of the Middle King
Procession of the Oldest King
San Gimignano Frescoes: St Augustine (1464-65)
St Augustine Leaving his Mother
St Augustine Departing for Milan
Arrival of St Augustine in Milan
Disembarkation at Ostia
St Augustine Teaching in Rome
St Augustine Reading the Epistle of St Paul
Funeral of St Augustine
Madonna and Child
Madonna and Child (1449)
Madonna and Child (1452)
Madonna degli Angeli (1456)
Madonna and Child (1460)
Madonna and Child (1466)
Madonna and Child (1470)
Madonna and Child (1471)
Madonna and Child (1477)
Madonna and Child (1485)
Madonna and Child
Women at the Empty Tomb (1439-44)
San Domenico Annunciation (1449-52)
The Adoration of the Magi (1440-60)
The Crucifixion (1460)
Salome's Dance (1462)
The Meeting of Joachim and Anne at the Golden Gate (1491)
St Peter and Simon Magus
The Conversion of St Paul
St Fortunatus Enthroned (1450)
Saint Ursula with Two Angels and Donor (1455-60)
St Dominic Raises Napoleone Orsini (c.1461)
St Zenobius Resuscitates a Dead Child (1461-62)
St Sebastian Intercessor (1464-65)
Mystic Marriage of St Catherine of Alexandria (1466)
Saint Jerome and the Blessed Bartolo Buompedoni of San Giminiano (1467)
St Nicholas of Tolentino, St Roch, St Sebastian, and St Bernardino of Siena (1481)
St Zenobius Resuscitates a Dead Child
The Triumph of St Thomas Aquinas
Totila before Saint Benedict
Christ the Man of Sorrows between the Virgin Mary and St John the Evangelist (c.1450)
Sapienza Nuova Altarpiece (1456)
Worshipping Angels (1459-60)
The Purification of the Virgin (1461-63)
The Parable of the Holy Trinity (1464-65)
The School of Tagaste (1464-65)
Adoring Angels (1459-60)
Paschal Lamb