Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1591)
Madonna and Child
Madonna and Child (c.1478)
Madonna and Child (1478-80)
Madonna of the Rocks (1483-86)
Madonna and Child with St Anne and the Young St John (1507-08)
Madonna of the Rocks (1495-1508)
Madonna and Child with St Anne (c.1510)
Other Religious Paintings
Annunciation (1472-75)
Last Supper (1498)
John the Baptist (1513-16)
Ginevra de' Benci (c.1478)
Head of a Girl (c.1483)
Lady with an Ermine (c.1490)
La Belle Ferronière (c.1490)
Portrait of a Musician (1490)
Mona Lisa (1503-05)
Self-portrait (c.1512)
Female Head