Raphael (1483-1520)
Portrait of a Man (c.1502)
Elisabetta Gonzaga (c.1503)
Portrait of a Man (1502-04)
Pietro Bembo (c.1504)
Lady with a Unicorn (c.1505)
Young Man with an Apple (1505)
Agnolo Doni (c.1506)
Self-portrait (1506)
La Donna Gravida (1505-06)
Maddelena Doni (1504-07)
La Muta (1507)
Guidobaldo da Montefeltro (c.1507)
Portrait of a Youth (1509-11)
Cardinal (c.1511)
Pope Julius II (1511)
Tommaso Inghiram (1510-14)
Bindo AltovitiI (1512-15)
Baldessare Castiglione (1515-16)
Portrait of a Young Man (c.1515)
La Donna Velata (1516)
La Fornarina (1518-19)
Pope Leo X with Cardinals Giulio de' Medici and Luigi de' Rossi (1518-19)
Self-portrait with a Friend (1518-20)
Portrait of a Young Woman (c.1520)
Oddi Altar (Pinacoteca Vatican 1502-03)
The Adoration of the Magi
The Annunciation
Coronation of the Virgin
The Presentation in the Temple
Stanza di Eliodora Frescoes (1511-12)
The Mass at Bolsena
Fire in the Borgo
Expulsion of Heliodorus from the Temple
Meeting between Leo the Great and Attila
Madonna and Child
Madonna with St Jerome and St Francis (c.1502)
Solly Madonna (c.1502)
Diotalevi Madonna (c.1503)
Madonna and Child (c.1503)
Conestabile Madonna (1504)
Granduca Madonna (1504)
Small Cowper Madonna (1504-05)
Madonna and Child (The Ansidei Altarpiece c.1405)
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints (1504-05)
Terranuova Madonna (c.1505)
Madonna del Prato (1506)
Madonna with Beardless St Joseph (1506)
Bridgewater Madonna (c.1507)
Canigiani Madonna (1507)
Madonna del Cardellino (1507)
La Belle Jardinière (1507)
Large Cowper Madonna (1508)
Tempi Madonna (1508)
Madonna and Child with the Infant St John (1508)
Madonna del Baldacchino (1507-08)
Garvagh Madonna (1510)
Alba Madonna (1511)
Madonna with the Blue Diadem (1510-11)
Madonna of Foligno (1511-12)
Madonna della Seggiola (1514)
Madonna della Tenda (1514)
Sistine Madonna (1513-14)
Other Religious Paintings
St Sebastian (1501-02)
The Crucifixion (Città di Castello Altarpiece 1503)
Il Sposalizio (1504)
St George and the Dragon (1503-05)
St Michael and the Dragon (1504-05)
St George and the Dragon (1505-06)
Pax Vobiscum 1505-06
St Catherine of Alexandria (1507)
The Entombment of Christ (1507)
The Holy Family with a Lamb (1507)
Pope Gregory IX Approving the Decretals (1509-11)
The Prophet Isaiah (1511-12)
St Cecilia (1514)
The Death of Ananias (1515)
Lo Spasismo (c.1516)
The Vision of Ezekiel (1517-18)
Pope Urban I between Iustitia and Caritas (1520)
The Transfiguration (1518-20)
Venus Frescoes (Villa Farnesina, Rome 1517-18)
Venus and Cupid
Cupid and the Three Graces
Venus and Jupiter
Venus and Psyche
Venus on the Chariot Pulled by Doves
Venus, Ceres and Juno
Ancient History and Myth
The Three Graces (1504-05)
Parnassus (1509-10)
School of Athens (1509-10)
Poetry (1509-11)
Philosophy (1509-11)
Theology (1509-11)
Voyage of Galatea (1511)
Sybils (1514)
Wedding Banquet of Cupid and Psyche (1516)
Wedding Banquet of Cupid and Psyche (1517-18)