Vladimir Lukich Borovikovsky painted a whole series of portraits of statesmen, emperors, influential people and, of course, the military, of whom there were many at that difficult time. Male portraits of Borovikovsky, in contrast to the gentle and sentimental female portraits, show the significance, status and position of a person in society.
This portrait of combat major general Fedor Artemievich Borovsky was painted in 1799.
Fedor Artemievich was a Russian military leader who served in the cavalry from a young age. He was a comrade and ally of Russian commanders Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov and Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov. He fought in the Russian-Polish war. Over his yeas of service he was awarded the Orders of Saints Vladimir of the 3rd degree and George of the 4th degree. From 1796 he was the commander of the Hussar regiment. He retired in 1798 and was granted permission form Tsar Paul I to wear uniform.
He is portrayed as a military general, wearing the Hussars' ceremonial uniform, trimmed with fur. His status as a brave, valiant and high rank warrior is evidenced by his awards, as well as the gilt hilt of the sword and the headdress with high plume shown to the left of Borovsky. As always, the artist perfectly perfected the texture of materials – fabrics, furs, fringes.
The background of the portrait is a battle scene, designed to perpetuate in the memory of future generations the heroic deeds and military merits of Fedor Artemyevich. Borovsky’s pose, leaning on a cane, is full of dignity and dynamics at the same time, thanks to the fact that the author depicts him in a half-turn.