Martiros Saryan (1880-1972): Date Palm, Egypt (undated). State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

The painting was based on the artist’s impressions from a journey to Egypt. He combined elements of the monumental language of Ancient Egyptian art with the colour energy of contemporary painting. Laconism, symmetry, simplification of forms turned into symbols – all these are lessons learned from ancient art. Using contrasting colours – marigold and blue – Saryan achieves a visual tension, which conveys not only the scorching heat, but also the spiritual power of each colour. The mighty palm in the centre serves as a solemn vertical; its fan-like leaves form sort of an arch that crowns the composition. Rigorous architectonics rules other elements of the image as well. The figures of people and animals are arranged in a precise circle, which joins them in a single rhythm with the palm’s blazing fruit while the haughty sphinx-like head of the camel at the right edge of the picture introduces an element of motion.
State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow