Artist Biography
Newlyn Artists
Harold Harvey (1874-1941)
In the Whiting Ground (1900)
Waiting on the Tide - Newlyn Harbour (1903)
Whiffing on Mounts Bay (1904)
Unloading the Catch, Newlyn (1905)
Unloading the Boats (1906)
Newlyn Harbour (1907)
The Day's Catch (1908)
French Crabbers (1930)
Low Tide - Newlyn Harbour
Indoor Scenes
The Tea Party (1912)
Darning a Sock (1913)
In the Kitchen (1918)
Kitchen Imterior (1918)
Lunch (1918)
Coloured Wools (1919)
First Light (1919)
Interior (1919)
At the Dresssing Table (1920)
The Tea Table (1920)
The New Book (1920)
The Critics (1922)
My Kitchen (1923)
Gertrude in an Interior (1929)
Titbits (1929)
The Red Silk Shawl (1932)
The Young Ménage (1932)
The Favourite Necklace (1937)
The Letter (1937)
Gertrude in the Kitchen (Undated)
Knitting, Woman in a Kitchen (Undated)
Outdoor Scenes
Woman Reading in a Garden (1900)
The Seaweed Gatherers (1905)
Boy Whittling a Stick (1909)
The Close of a Summer's Day (1909)
The Potato Harvest (1910)
The Old Harbour, Newlyn, at Dusk (1911)
Baker's Boy (1912)
Apples (1912)
Pioneer of Aerial Navigation (1913)
Daffodils (1910-14)
Chrysanthemums (1915)
Blackberrying (1917)
Summer (1917)
Early Spring (1918)
Cornish Children (1920)
Mousehole Harbour (1922)
Wayside Minstrels (1922)
A Windy Day (1922)
Marsh Landscape (1922)
Summer Evening (1923)
Tulip Pickers (1926)
Anenomes (1926)
Two Young Girls with a Butterfly (1929)
The Blue Door (1931)
The Blue Door (1934)
Fête Champêtre (1934)
Morning, Newlyn Harbour (1935)
A Windy Day - Newland Hill (1936)
Apple Blossom (1940)
The Gate (1940)
Blackberry Harvest (Undated)
Figures on the Cliff, Newlyn (Undated)
Fishing in a Forest Stream (Undated)
Sport on the Shore - a Crab Race (Undated)
The Café (Undated)
The Lilac Doll (Undated)
The Young Ploughman (Undated)
The Daisy Chain – Children Playing in a Meadow above Mount’s Bay (Undated)
The Clay Pit (1923)
A China Clay Pit, Leswidden (c.1924)
St Just Tin Miners (1935)
Dozmary Pool, Bodmin (1914)
Drift Valley (1923)
Marazion Marsh (1923)
The Stream in Winter (1933)
Cornish Mining Landscape (1934)
Laura and Paul Jewill Hill (1915)
The Artist's Model (1915)
Lady Arranging Flowers (1916)
Reflections (1916)
Girl with a Red Hat (1916)
Shut the Door (1917)
Gertrude Reading (1917)
Gertrude by the Sideboard (1917)
Blue Gown (1917)
Mother and Child (1918)
Clara (1922)
Girl on a Cliff (1926)
A Summer Evening (Evelyn) (1926)
Kit (1931)
Sue Palmer (1932)
The Little Maiden (1934)
The Artist's Niece, Rhoda (1934)
A Daughter of Newlyn (1936)
John Humphreys, Professor of Dentistry (1938)
Dr Charles F. Barham (Undated)
The Gypsy Girl (Undated)
Dame (Undated)
Portrait of Mr Brash (Undated)
The Farmers Boy (Undated)